“All my life has been moonlight and the stars. I can smell the sunlight racing through your veins from across a room. Sunlight and heat and salt. Always the salt.”

Erin A. Craig, House of Salt and Sorrows

Upcoming movies I’m excited to see

Hiya bookish people! With COVID now a massive part of life, many things in the world have changed. And while this certainly isn’t the biggest thing to happen – or not happen – it is something I sorely missed out on doing after school with my friends every other week. Just recently I went to…

I miss a place I’ve never been

Hiya bookish people! I was mindlessly scrolling through Tiktok, as you do, and I came across the song “IDK You Yet” by Alexander 23. The song itself is slow and cute, and I just love it, however, instead of thinking of a person I haven’t met yet, as the lyrics depict, I instead start thinking…

Review : From Blood and Ash (#1) by Jennifer L. Armentrout

A Maiden… Chosen from birth to usher in a new era, Poppy’s life has never been her own. The life of the Maiden is solitary. Never to be touched. Never to be looked upon. Never to be spoken to. Never to experience pleasure. Waiting for the day of her Ascension, she would rather be with…

Looking after my sensitive skin

Hiya bookish people! I have extremely eczema-prone skin. When I get too hot, I get flashes of eczema on my hands and in the creases of my arms. When it gets too cold, I get eczema on my face, hands, legs, back and arms. When I am stressed, I get it on my shoulders, face…

The Liebster Award #5

Hiya bookish people! I was tagged by the amazing April Lee over at Booked Till Midnight . . . in November 2020. Talk about running a bit behind schedule! Even though it has taken a while for me to get around to filling in this award, I really wanna thank April for this nomination! Rules…

Loyalty to an author

Hiya bookish people! DISCLAIMER: This blog post was actually written and submitted for a school assessment, and so is way more formal than my normal style. I would normally add in links to relevant articles and interviews and such, and just want to make clear that just because I have some harsher opinions on the…

Review : To Kill a Kingdom by Alexandra Christo

Princess Lira is siren royalty and the most lethal of them all. With the hearts of seventeen princes in her collection, she is revered across the sea. Until a twist of fate forces her to kill one of her own. To punish her daughter, the Sea Queen transforms Lira into the one thing they loathe…

Another ( justified ) absence

This time I can justify it This year has been a year of unplanned hiatus’ galore, and I think that this is my fourth one. And maybe this is an excuse, or maybe it’s a justification. I feel like I can’t write about what I want to write about How can I understand the struggles…

Shadowverse: Vengeance by J.C. Gallo || Review

Shadowverse: Vengeance by J.C. Gallo 📚     📚     📚     📚 /   5 The Shadowforce is back, stronger than ever. One year has passed since Titan’s defeat, and balance reigns between the universes. Guided by the ones they lost, Johnny, Ryan, Sam, Jane, and Rose are beyond all the problems…

Songs and Memories

Hiya bookish people! I am so sorry for not posting last week. I got smacked with a huge cold which left me with no motivation whatsoever, but I am better now and here with a new post! When you listen to a bunch of songs on repeat in a certain time period of your life,…

October of 2020 || Wrap Up

Hiya bookish people! October has been a hectic month for all of us. Between finally getting out of my reading slump to the lack of trick-or-treaters and to getting my hair kinda dyed for the first time, there hasn’t been a lot of time for much. So here I am again, in the month of…

Happy Halloween Eve!

Hiya bookish people! Happy Halloween! As a special Halloween post, I am here to tell you guys a bunch of spooky books you can read or start to read tomorrow, Grimm stories, movies, and a recap of some things in Alexandra’s Spooktober list that I have done! To either start, skim through, or bask in…

New Releases || November 2020

Hiya bookish people! Here are this years September YA releases! What ones are you most excited for? What books are you looking forward / did you put on your TBR this month? Emma xx

The Liebster Award #4

Hiya bookish people! So. This was from back in *hides* August! I am so sorry Lucy! Lucy has been a great email-pen-pal of mine and now I am finally getting to do her tag! The Rules of the Award Thank the person who nominated you ( thank you again Lucy! ) Answer the given questions…

Books that are too ✨ s p i c y ✨ for new YA readers

Hiya bookish people! Is this another list? Yes. Am I obsessed with lists? Yes. Are spreadsheets just fancier and more informative lists? Frick yeah! I started reading YA at a very young age. I started reading books categorised as ‘Young Adult’ at about age 10 – 11. Now, this may be the same as everyone…

The Outstanding Blogger & Smaugette Awards || Book Blog Awards

Hiya bookish people! I have to apologise so much to Beck, I had gotten tagged in these so long ago and they just sat there for way too long, and so I am merging the two awards from Beck into one! CONGRATULATIONS BECK ON GETTING 200 FOLLOWERS THAT IS FREAKING AMAZING!! RULES Provide the link…