Hiya bookish people!

This is another doubled up post, and this is the Flower Book Tag and the Mystery Blogger Award, take II

Hiya bookish people!

I was tagged nearly a month ago (I’m sorry!) in the Flower Book Tag, which was created by Wordy and Whimsical for their sixth year blogiversary! Wordy and Whimsical is such a beautiful blog, and so I decided to (try) make some beautiful graphics to celebrate their tag!

This is such a hard one! I love nearly all Sarah J. Maas endgame romances, so couples like Feysand or Rowaelin. But I wanna try to vary my answers for once ( yes I say this everytime, and no I never do end up making new answers ) so I am gonna go with a very spoilery answer for Queen of Air and Darkness. Click the thingy that opens ( collapsible? ) below to see an image and find out who I am talking about!

spoilery stuff

Kieran, Mark and Christina! There are not enough polyamorus relationships in books, YA or otherwise, plus they are amazing! #Kierarktina forever! Cassandra Clare is amazing for writing different types of relationships, and this was no different.

I actually wrote a review for Queen of Air and Darkness, so click the card to go to it! It is hosted on my old blogspot site.

I definitely have to go with Vera on this one, and say Jude from the Folk of the Air trilogy because she is such a strong and ambitious character, if not one of the most that I’ve ever read. I mean, how much more ambitious can you get than a human in the land of the Fae, who wants to go to the top of the food chain and become a part of the crown? You can’t. Exactly.

But, knowing my indecisive self, I am unable to make any one decision, it’s extremely difficult for me! So, I am gonna tack on Hermione Granger, too! She is such an ambitious character in so many ways. For her friends, and her career, and her magic. Plus, no matter what book it is, she is always ambitious in regards to her schoolwork. We could all learn a lot from Hermione. I am gonna continue to apply her work ethic to everything.


Red, White, and Royal Blue definitely. I do not know how anyone will be able to say that they don’t like it. I haven’t read a single negative review about this book, nor has anyone I’ve talked to said they don’t like it. Even Goodreads seems empty of negative reviews for this book – over half of the reviews are five stars, and a measly one percent of all reviews are one star or lower. Plus goodreads says, and I quote, “95% of people liked it”. That is right. So I think my personal opinion lines up pretty well at the moment.

P.S You should read the review, it was a guest post from my best friend Beth ( whose birthday was recently! ).

How could I not say the best mother in YA fiction, Molly Weasley? I have included my favourite ever GIF of her, because she is just an amazing mother and character, and this GIF shows that amazingly. There is not much more I can say. That is a lie, there is a lot more, but I do not know if there is enough space in this double-tag post to say everything. It might be a post idea? I would obviously have to include her actions, sons, history… Actually! If you have anything you want me to add about Molly Weasley or any other parents in YA, please tell me below!

Did we not already establish that I can not ever make a solid decision? I love the Throne of Glass fandom with all my heart – the characters and the readers and the plot and the relationships and the feels! The Hunger Games was honestly one of the best introductions to the YA genre I could have had. And The Folk of the Air began to repair the Sarah J. Maas’ sized hole left in my heart when I had read everything I could. That was, of course, before her latest book which I do not have yet.

All of these got such hype around their release, and have the sort of timeless writing that means that these books will not lose their love as new generations come in and read ‘qUiRkY oLd’ YA books.

A Court of Frost and Starlight is one of the prettiest books in the ACOTAR series, the original covers anyway. There are gonna be new covers for the ACOTAR series this year, but they medium-key suck ( *medium-key = between high-key and low-key ). They just ugly. Unfortunately, I found ACOFAS to be a disappointing addition, it honestly felt like something any fanfiction writer with access to Grammarly could write as a fluffy-christmas-mini-series. ( All my love to fanfic writers! )

My favourite classic is The Secret Garden for many reasons, but I won’t forget the reason why I love it. My grandparents gave me a copy for Christmas when I was nine years old. Ever since then, I’ve loved it and I still fall in love every time with “Mary, Mary, quite contrary” and Dick with his animal friends. But mostly, I love Collin, a dramatic little shit who can never control his temper, but found a match in his just-as-stubborn cousin. And Martha who taught Mary how to jump rope.

Simon and Clary is one of the most iconic friendship duos in YA fantasy out there. Cassandra Clare explores so many different types of relationships throughout her many, many, many novels. I love that just because they were friends first.

Basically the rest of this question is gonna be spoilery I am glad that, although Simon and Clary did explore the development of their friendship to romantic properties, I am also glad that they weren’t endgame, but instead strengthened their friendship as Parabatai. It was so amazing, plus Isabelle and Simon is definitely a far more superior ship.

I don’t know if I can say that Fangirl is ‘the’ sweetest books I’ve ever read, but I can definitely say that it’s one of them. Cath is such a well written introverted character that steers away from the i’M sO qUiRkY trope that so many introverted characters fall into. I also love how Rowell incorporated her world of Bash and Simon into the world of Cath and Wren. I never really did like Wren as a character, though.

Katniss Everdeen was a huge influence on so many people – both fictional and real. I can’t think of a more realistic, larger than life character. I mean, sure, she didn’t always want to be the hero, and she was given no choice in the games or the rebellion. However, her fire, the spark that made everyone burn, made her one of the largest life characters I’ve ever read.

I know that I’ve thrown quite a bit of shade onto Edward Cullen and a couple of times the Twilight Saga itself, but I cannot say that Meyer is not a talented author. Her book The Host has stuck with me through at least four years and I have read it nearly five times. Something about the new approach to coexisting aliens just has me swooning over the book every single time. Plus, Stephenie Meyer’s other book The Chemist was also amazing, and I don’t regret buying it impulsively.

I have chosen the book White Stag to answer this one. White Stag is a YA, Fantasy, Action and a little bit of Gore (and maybe a sprinkle of romance. It’s YA, what do you expect?). With all of these genres working really well together, White Stag is a riveting read for those who can deal with a bit of gore, to say the least. It’s one of my favourite eARC’s that I have ever been sent, and is the first eARC I got sent that I also ended up seeing in my local book shop.

The Rules

  • Put the award logo on your blog.
  • List the rules.
  • Thank whoever nominated you and provide a link to their blog. (Thank you Virginia!)
  • Mention the creator of the award and provide a link as well. (Okoto Enigma)
  • You have to nominate 10-20 people. ( I am not, sorry! )
  • Notify your nominees by commenting on their blog.
  • Ask your nominees 5 questions of your choice.
  • Share a link to your best post(s)

🌷 what’s your favourite dish?🌷

My favourite dish is definitely pasta, but I don’t have a specific favourite pasta dish. Maybe something with creamy mushroom sauce? Yeah, that sounds good to me! I really need to learn how to cook so I can make creamy mushroom pasta every week!

🌷 a book that’s so good you would actually throw it at people. They need to read it NOW!!!! (I know I’m being dramatic here, but I’m sure you get what I mean. 😛 )🌷

Hahaha, yes! I do know what you mean, Virginia. I will definitely have to go with Throne of Glass. Definitely not my collectors edition though, I don’t wanna damage it. I do want to also give an honorable mention to Turtles All the Way Down by John Green, because it is my favourite John Green novel.


🌷 your favourite song that gives you summer vibes?🌷

I actually have two! The first one is Body Like a Backroad performed by Sam Hunt. It has really amazing, slow summer vibes and I always play it when the heat comes back every year. The second one is a super popular song – I Like Me Better performed by Lauve. This one quite a few people know, and it’s one that I play second when the heat comes back. I play this near spring / summer transitions.

🌷 what’s your favourite quote?🌷

I don’t really have a favourite quote, per say, but rather the poem Fire and Ice by Robert Frost. I had to learn a poem years ago for school and I never forgot it.

I just think it’s a poem you can adapt to any situation and I really like it.

Some say the world will end in fire

Some say in ice

From what I’ve tasted of desire

I hold with those who favour fire

But if I had to perish twice

I think I know enough of hate

To say that for destruction ice

Is also great

And would suffice.

Fire and Ice – Robert Frost

🌷 your most anticipated book coming out this year?! (I’m so not trying to find my next favourite book. 😛 )🌷

Haha, I get it 🙂 Probably Aurora Burning, so far. I really enjoyed the first book and the characters, and so I am interested to see how the Aurora Cycle is continued 🙂 Plus Jay Kristoff and Amie Kauffman have proven themselves before that they can make amazing books together. This was no exception.

I have chosen not to tag anyone today, but please feel free to do the Flower Book tag and link back to me so I can see your answers 🙂

8 thoughts on “

  1. Okay yes, yes, and, Yes to everything!!! Pasta with creamy mushroom sauce is one of my favorite dishes and that picture is making my mouth water! Hahaha, I should also get around to learning how to cook more than just a box of pasta;)
    Fangirl is the sweetest novel and I’m fangirling over the fact that you read that book;) 😉 Simon and Clarey are the best of friends and I love the fact that they have stood by each other through literally everything! It’s such a great friendship and makes me have unrealistic goals in life(but books always make us have unrelated goals and standards so, that’s nothing new);)
    Molly is #mothergoals and the other day I was talking to someone about how she’s extremely selfless and how much she loves her family. Red, White, and Royal Blue has been on my to-read for a while so, I need to get around to reading that;)
    It’s safe to say I’m obsessed with the Flower Book Tag you did. Amazing post;)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It’s a good thing that youtube exists otherwise I wouldn’t know how to cook anything!
      Haha. I know, what is with that? I have way too many unrealistic expectations from books, it’s a wonder how I get anything done!
      You definitely should, it was so good!
      I’m glad to hear it! Consider yourself unofficially tagged, but if you don’t want to do it no worries 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I’ve just seen that you did this, and yay, I’m so happy you liked the tag. 😀 I love your graphics. 🙂 Jude and Hermione are both great picks for ambitious characters. I was going to choose Molly Weasley, as well, but I felt like I always choose her whenever the topic of mothers in fiction comes up, haha. So I found someone else. I really enjoyed The Secret Garden when I was a child, and I’ve been thinking of rereading it recently. 🙂 Great post!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. You’re so right about Jude; is anyone more ambitious than her? She’s fierce and fiery and probably one of my favourite female characters because it’s stunning that she wants to stay in faery after everything that she’s been through!! (Still need to read the final though). I agree about Hermione too though; she puts everything into whatever she does. Remember S.P.E.W? And using a time turner to be in three classes at once; kind of scary :L
    I’m hopefully reading Red, White & Royal Blue soon-ish. It was in transit when the libraries shut so when they reopen I imagine it’ll be there. Although at the moment their reservation system is halted so I don’t know if they’d put it up or not.
    Ooh Molly is a fantastic fictional mother, to her own children and also to Harry!! I did feel bad for Hermione when Rita Skeeter was writing such horrible things about her and Molly sent her the tiniest Easter egg ever as a result. Although I guess at least she still sent one?
    I’ve seen the film of The Secret Garden but I honestly can’t remember much about it. I should definitely try to read that before the new movie is released so that I can experience the book without knowing everything that’s coming.
    I love Katniss too!! She’s such a fantastic character (and I love that picture of her). Ooh I’m glad to hear that The Chemist is good; I still need to read that one but I do want to as I like her work and also spies!!!
    That past dish looks delicious!! I had no idea that the Fire & Ice thing was from a poem :L I hope that you end up loving Aurora Rising! (How on earth have I not read anything by either author yet???)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you! The final was amazing! I did kind of find the Time Turner thing a bit much, I mean, I get that H liked her classes, but eventually her school record would show way too many exams / credits / reports when she applied to the Ministry of Magic and she would’ve been questioned, right?
      I hope you get to read it and enjoy it!
      I don’t know, but you need to!!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Ooh I can’t wait to read it!! Hopefully soon as I do own it and can’t believe I haven’t picked it up yet.
        Yeah I guess it was a bit much. You’d think one of her professors would have stepped in considering how it was affecting her. I think she had to get permission from the Ministry to have one though. I think? I don’t know :L
        Thank you (:

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